23 ago 2012

Mision The Circus Train Quest del 23 de Agosto al 6 de Septiembre

estas misiones se pueden hacer en todas las granjas
FarmVille Legends The Circus Train Quests Icon
Quests Info
Quest IconThat's not a bicycle!Item to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 11. Get 6 Unicycles
2. Harvest 50 Wheat (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest the Sunshine Dog House 1 Time
UnicycleFarmville image coming soon - FvLegends
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Red Wheat (3 Days)...UnicycleUnicycle Bear

Quest IconStep right up!Item to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 21. Get 7 Platforms
2. Harvest 75 Rice (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest Unicycle Bear 2 Times
Quest Tips:Crop Alternatives: Double Grain (12 Hrs), Iced Rice (12 Hrs), Sticky Rice (1 Day), Imperial Rice (4 Hrs)… Harvest Bear in either Jade Habitat or Wildlife Pen...PlatformUnwither

Quest IconQuit Clowning around!Item to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 31. Get 8 Clown Wigs
2. Harvest 100 Eggplants (2 Days)
3. Craft Shovels Twice
Clown WigFarmville image coming soon - FvLegends
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Forbidden Eggplant (2 Days), Chinese Eggplant (2 Days)… Shovels can be crafted in Craftshop using 3 Jalapeno, 3 Double Grain, and 1 Lemon Basket Bushels...Clown WigClown Car Chicken (Deco)

Quest IconJuggling flaming pins is trickyItem to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 41. Get 9 Juggling Pins
2. Harvest 125 Soybeans (1 Day)
3. Master Unicycle Bear 1-Star (5 Harvests)
Juggling Pin3 Pack of Turbos
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: None… Harvest Bear in either Jade Habitat or Wildlife Pen...Juggling Pin3 Pack of Turbos

Quest IconThe High Wire ActItem to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 51. Get 9 Tightropes
2. Harvest 150 Jalapenos (8 Hrs)
3. Craft 3 Animal Feed
TightropeFarmville image coming soon - FvLegends
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: None… Animal Feed can be crafted in Craftshop using 1 Walnut, 2 Sunflower and 2 Barley bushels...TightropeTightrope Walker Chicken

Quest IconTop of the HatItem to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 61. Get 9 Top Hats
2. Harvest 150 Cabbages (2 Days)
3. Harvest a Zoo 2 Times
Top HatFarmville image coming soon - FvLegends
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Super Cabbage (2 Days)...Top HatLion Sheep

Quest IconTickets, PleaseItem to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 71. Get 10 Ticket Rolls
2. Harvest 150 Cotton (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest Lion Sheep 2 Times
Ticket RollCircus Ringmaster Gnome
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Super Cotton (12 Hrs), Chinese Cotton (1 Day)... Sheep can be harvested in Jade Habitat or Livestock...Ticket RollCircus Ringmaster Gnome

Quest IconOn with the Show!Item to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 81. Get 11 Caramel Apples
2. Harvest 150 Spinach (14 Hrs)
3. Craft an Arborist
Caramel AppleMystery Game Dart
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Red Spinach (14 Hrs)... Arborist can be crafted in Craftshop using 3 Peanut, 4 Morning Glory & 2 Orange Basket bushels…Caramel AppleMystery Game Dart

Quest IconHorse Feathers!Item to AskReward
The Circus Train Quest 91. Get 12 Horse Feathers
2. Harvest 200 Morning Glory (12 Hrs)
3. Master Lion Sheep 1-star (5 Harvests)
Horse FeatherFarmville image coming soon - FvLegends
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Super Morning Glory (12 Hrs)…Sheep can be harvested in Jade Habitat or Livestock...Horse FeatherCircus Horse

20 ago 2012

MISION Jade Falls Chapter 12 (XII) Quests Del 20 al 27 de Agosto

KaiwenFarmVille Jade Falls Chapter 12 (XII) Quests Icon
Quest Info:
Quest IconRake It InItem to AskReward
Jade Falls: Chapter 12 Quest 11. Get 6 Sand Rakes
2. Harvest 25 Lotus (1 Day - Land)
3. Make 2 Milk Tea
Sand RakesDancing Fishes
Quest Tips:No Tips available for this QuestSand RakesDancing Fishes

Quest IconLike the WindItem to AskReward
Jade Falls: Chapter 12 Quest 21. Get 8 Wind Chimes
2. Harvest 30 Chinese Cotton (1 Day - Land)
3. Make 3 Chow Mein
Wind ChimesShar Pei Puppy
Quest Tips:No Tips available for this QuestWind ChimesShar Pei Puppy

Quest IconSnatch the PebbleItem to AskReward
Jade Falls: Chapter 12 Quest 31. Get 8 Jade Pebbles
2. Harvest 12 Prawns (8 Hrs - Water)
3. Harvest 2 Shar-pei Pups
Jade PebbleEternity Fountain
Quest Tips:Harvest the Puppy in the Pet Run...Jade PebbleEternity Fountain

Quest IconTranquilityItem to AskReward
Jade Falls: Chapter 12 Quest 41. Get 8 Tranquil Statues
2. Harvest 35 Chinese Eggplant (2 Days - Land)
3. Make 4 Oolong Tea
Tranquil StatueHarmony Bonsai Tree
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Forbidden Eggplant (2 Days)...Tranquil StatueHarmony Bonsai Tree

Quest IconBlooming PeaceItem to AskReward
Jade Falls: Chapter 12 Quest 51. Get 9 Calming Flowers
2. Harvest 30 Ramen (4 Hrs - Water)
3. Make 4 Thai Tea
Calming FlowerBrown Bengal Cat
Quest Tips:No Tips available for this QuestCalming FlowerBrown Bengal Cat

Quest IconHarmony StoneItem to AskReward
Jade Falls: Chapter 12 Quest 61. Get 10 Harmony Stones
2. Master Shar-pei Pup to 1-Star (5 Harvests)
3. Improve Imperial Ship to Stage 6
Harmony StoneRiver Pagoda
Quest Tips:Harvest the Puppy in the Pet Run...Harmony StoneRiver Pagoda


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